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How is a Voice App built

building voice apps

Zaid Gómez

UX/UI, Senior Designer Econocom P&S México

The complete guide to Voice App development

Thinking of developing a voice app?

Then you are reading the recipe for success, which puts the consumer at the center and makes the solution unique.

At Econocom P&S, we follow specific steps to make sure we don’t miss anything, so everyone is happy, us, the brands and the consumer! 

f you still have doubts about why develop a voice app, we encourage you to read this article where we talk about Alexa and the evolution of its skills.

How do we develop our skills? This is how we do it!

First we must define the service proposal and determine the scope, objectives and functions that the client requires, then we validate the service where the skill will be performed (Alexa or Google Assistant), once this is defined we start the creation of the dialogue map, which will allow us to know and improve the situations that the user may face when using the skill. Afterwards, internal tests are carried out and then transferred to the client in order to refine the tool, make comments and approve the project to finally be published in digital stores. 


step 1 voice apps - diseno de persona


amazon skills step 2


step 2 voice apps - Alexa skills - mapa de dialogo

dialogue map

step 4 voice apps - alexa skills - modelo de interacción

interaction map

step 5 voice apps - alexa skills - diseño vui

vui design

step 6 voice apps - alexa skills - pruebas de usabilidad

usability testing

Know about best practices

  • starting from the need

    Experiences designed to be voice-controlled have their own considerations, each use case is analyzed and adapted, looking for the most satisfactory experience for the user. Starting from the need, avoiding replicating a visual experience is ideal

  • horizontal logic

    The experience is designed with a horizontal logic, i.e., the user can jump between functionalities at will, to achieve this level of experience, training to the system is crucial.

  • optimize elements

    Reducing the number of items available to the user helps to make them easier to remember, increasing user satisfaction. Arrangements of 3 to 5 items in lists will be used depending on the length of the nomenclature.

  • use questions

    Although the experience is designed horizontally, guiding the user through questions is a good way to facilitate navigation, as the user gets to know the solution, he/she will exploit more of the training.

  • buenas practicas 5

    sensitive data

    Avoid collecting user data as much as possible, since we do not know where the user is when interacting with the solution through their phone. We will try not to put sensitive data at risk as a security issue.

  • minimize flows

    Minimize as much as possible the interactions before getting a result. A user who has to go through several questions before getting a result has a high chance of abandoning the experience.

  • authenticate the user

    If using user data is essential to the goal of the solution, opt for tools such as login and account linking to obtain it. It is possible to login within the experience.

  • multichannel

    Find a balance of usability, in some cases the device where the solution will live has additional input channels to the voice, it is advisable to take advantage of these alternatives if it adds to the user experience.

Do you know these skills, we develop them for you?

Alexa Gumball Medieval

Gumball medieval



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